Creating Food Security, Health and Community, One Street at a Time.

Products We Love

Listed below are products that we use in our gardens. If you purchase one of these products using our affiliate link we may earn a small commission which helps us in keeping the Neighborhood Food Network running and we thank you!

Equipment and Miscellaneous

ForJars Canning Lids

The ForJars Canning Lids are made of high-quality metal, which prevents bending. Stainless steel material is also added to the composition, which prevents the formation of rust. The metal thickness is 0.18 mm versus conventional lids which have 0.10 -0.12 mm.

Use the code HONEYCUTT10 for 10% off your first order!

Urban Worm Company

Recycling your food waste.  Reviving your soil.  Made from recycled water bottles.

Turn your kitchen and paper scraps into black gold for your garden!